Touching Heaven: An Interview With Lubomyr Melnyk

“Art makes you bigger. It makes people grow. It shoots electricity into our intelligence. It’s like food for the soul and for the mind, so that we can grow and learn and think”, says world-famous Ukrainian pianist and composer, Lubomyr Melnyk, who discovered ‘continuous music’ during the 1970’s. Continuous music is an art form building on beauty, love, presence, and transcendence.

By The Empty Square

Lubomyr Melnyk. Photo: The Empty Square

Lubomyr Melnyk. Photo: The Empty Square

We had the immense joy of meeting Melnyk in Copenhagen. We were as moved by his performance as his reflections on the potential of art.

Are we forgetting this potential in our everyday life? Can we somehow get it back into our communities and cities?

This is an invitation for a short trip to Heaven.

Art makes you bigger. It makes people grow.
— Lubomyr Melnyk

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